Angular Literary Clock

Angular Literary Clock

The other day I read an article  about someone who made a clock using literary quotes and an old Kindle. Which inspired me to see about building something similar as a web page. Thanks to the provided spreadsheet of quotes and some handy Google Spreadsheet tools, I soon had a JSON file that could be easily parsed in Angular.After some quick work using Angular and Google App Engine I ended up with LitClock. Still very much a work in progress. I will be adding new quotes as often as I can and updating the code along the way. For now feel free to checkout the repo on Bitbucket.

How it works It is quite simple really, every second I check the time and compare it with a json file to find out if there is a quote to match. If so, I display it and if not I simply display the time. Some timestamps have multiple quotes available. On each page view I shuffle the collection in order to make the experience more dynamic. Cool Code Snippets From an Angular point of view I am not doing anything ground breaking yet. One cool feature that I got working recently is auto deployment using Bitbucket Pipelines. Have a look at the repo at the pipelines file to see how it works. Stay tuned for updates and feel free to reach out to me via twitter @bythegram if you have any comments or questions.